Attempting new stuff can be incredibly hard and often requires changing habits and behaviors that have been with us for eons. 

Broken down, research shows that to try new stuff:

1. We need to believe we are personally capable of doing whatever it is we’re attempting to do. That’s why Goal Scouts focus on doable steps; and,

2. We need to believe the results are worth the effort. Since there’s no guarantee that our effort will be rewarded with a specific outcome, as Goal Scouts, we focus on making the process playful and enjoyable.

That’s WHY GOAL SCOUTS. We can achieve just about anything if we break steps into small or doable pieces. It might take longer to reach our goal, and we might even adjust our dreams as we become more aware of our own abilities and joys. We keep it playful and allow for adjustments. This shift in focus allows us to experience life in new ways.